24. červen bude dnem, který zřejmě potěší všechny fandy řeckých Septicflesh. Po více než třech letech se totiž kapela kolem Seth Sira Antona představí s novou deskou. The Great Mass bude následovat album Titan. Septicflesh nedávno zveřejnili druhou skladbu, která se na deváté řadové desce objeví – song nese prostý název Burn.
Řečtí hudebníci nahráli nový materiál ve své domovině v Devasoundz Studios, ale kus práce se musel přesunout také k nám – na nemalé části alba se podílí pražský filharmonický orchestr a sbor. Desku Titan, která ponese štítek nahrávací společnosti Season of Mist (v Severní Americe pak Prosthetic), mixoval a masteroval Logan Mader, jehož práci můžeme slyšet na albech Gojiry, Fear Factory nebo Cavalera Conspiracy.
01. War In Heaven
02. Burn
03. Order of Dracul
04. Prototype
05. Dogma
06. Prometheus
07. Titan
08. Confessions of a Serial Killer
09. Ground Zero
10. The First Immortal
No, a pokud vám unikla skladba, která byla zveřejněna ještě dříve, tady je:
via Season Of Mist in Europe and Prosthetic in North America. The new CD consists of 10 songs that were recorded once again at Devasoundz Studios in Athens, Greece and in the Czech Republic with the collaboration of the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra And Choir. From there, the album was mixed and mastered in Los Angeles by acclaimed producer Logan Mader (GOJIRA, FEAR FACTORY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY).
Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/septicflesh-new-song-burn-available-for-streaming/#VTrRdP1OR7T8YymS.99
via Season Of Mist in Europe and Prosthetic in North America. The new CD consists of 10 songs that were recorded once again at Devasoundz Studios in Athens, Greece and in the Czech Republic with the collaboration of the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra And Choir. From there, the album was mixed and mastered in Los Angeles by acclaimed producer Logan Mader (GOJIRA, FEAR FACTORY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY).
Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/septicflesh-new-song-burn-available-for-streaming/#VTrRdP1OR7T8YymS.99
via Season Of Mist in Europe and Prosthetic in North America. The new CD consists of 10 songs that were recorded once again at Devasoundz Studios in Athens, Greece and in the Czech Republic with the collaboration of the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra And Choir. From there, the album was mixed and mastered in Los Angeles by acclaimed producer Logan Mader (GOJIRA, FEAR FACTORY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY).
Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/septicflesh-new-song-burn-available-for-streaming/#VTrRdP1OR7T8YymS.99
via Season Of Mist in Europe and Prosthetic in North America. The new CD consists of 10 songs that were recorded once again at Devasoundz Studios in Athens, Greece and in the Czech Republic with the collaboration of the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra And Choir. From there, the album was mixed and mastered in Los Angeles by acclaimed producer Logan Mader (GOJIRA, FEAR FACTORY, CAVALERA CONSPIRACY).
Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/septicflesh-new-song-burn-available-for-streaming/#VTrRdP1OR7T8YymS.99
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